BIG NEWS - I'm Moving To Geelong

Photo credit Kate from Urban Safari

Adelaide has been home for 10 years and it’s time to take a huge, scary leap and pack the boxes. I can’t write this without tears, because I love Adelaide, I love my community and I love what I’ve been able to build here as an artist.

I honestly can’t believe the generosity and support I've received from everyone here in Adelaide over the years. I've been able to build my dream job with so much variety and creativity. Thank you for your support, you've made this possible!

Here are some of the incredible projects I've been able to be part of:

Photo credit Kate from Urban Safari

Thank you for hiring me and recommending me over the years. Adelaide, you have been so kind to me. This city has inspired me and transformed me into an artist. Before moving here, I'd never called myself an artist. I'd never exhibited my work. I'd never even thought it was possible to make a living from my creativity. And I definitely never thought I could be a street artist.

For the last 3 years, I’ve been blessed with constant full-time work in Adelaide and the magic of word-of-mouth recommendations. And I’m going to be going back to square one. 

I need your help.

I’m going to Geelong with a portfolio of experience I am so very proud of. However, I’m also giving up a lot and taking a huge business risk. 

If you know someone in Victoria who’s looking for an artist to paint a wall, run a ceramic or aerosol workshop, install exhibitions, or an ideal school to work with, please send them my way.

South Australia, you are home. I am going to miss living here, the people, lifestyle and weather are really hard to leave. I will continue to return for projects and events as much as possible.

Mural installation at 1079 Life FM

Artist in residence at Wilderness School

This is not goodbye, but see you soon Adelaide. My husband, Aiden Grant, has been offered a job at 96three radio station. I'm so proud of the career journey he's taken. This is a great opportunity for him and what I believe is best for our family.

We are moving in July 2024. 


Photo credit Stephen Ludwig from Ludwig Film

Project: Benches of Hope. Photo credit Jack Turner.

Photo credit Kate from Urban Safari

Photo credit Kate from Urban Safari