Adelaide Street Art

How To Use Painter's Tape with Aerosol

How To Use Painter's Tape with Aerosol

I’m going to let you in on my biggest painting secret… I use tape!!! This blog is all about being transparent and sharing tips and tricks that you can use. When you’re using tape, these are 8 tips to make your work look sharp.

Interview with Street Art Photographer: Lou Chamberlin

Interview with Street Art Photographer: Lou Chamberlin

Artist, photographer and author, Lou Chamberlin is one motivated and talented lady! I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing her about her creative journey, from hanging up her art teaching apron, to becoming a full time artist, street artist photographer and author!

Interview with Mimby Jones Robinson

Interview with Mimby Jones Robinson

Artist have this weird thing going where some are really open and just damn passionate about all things art and other’s… well… some just keep to themselves, see another ability as a threat and can really close of as soon as you say “Yeah, I’m an artist too”. So let me tell you five things you need to know about Mimbi…