Benches of Hope

Benches of Hope

I grew up in a safe home. A loving family. I had security and support. My heart is heavy for the women and children in SA who don’t have that and I know paint alone, can’t change that. But it is my hope that talking about this issue and raising awareness of violence against women and where we can access help can bring hope.

How to Become a Ceramic Artist

How to Become a Ceramic Artist

There are three steps you need to go from pottering to Potter. Step one, make stuff from clay. Step two, book a photo shoot. Step three, order some fancy business cards. And then BOOM! MAGIC! You’re a ceramic artist! Congratulations! It’s that easy… well… sort of.

A Sparkling Collaboration

Small Victories contacted me with the idea to collaborate on their next wine release, their first ever sparkling! They told me it would have a zesty, vibrant flavour with a creamy texture. Could I create a design to match? I was up for the challenge! One year later, the wine has finally been bottled, labeled, and released! Here’s three reasons why this collaboration was so much fun to work on.

Creative Teens

Creative Teens

Recently I was invited by Streetlight to run an aerosol workshop for teens at Elizabeth Skatepark. If you've never heard of Streetlight, these volunteers are having an amazing impact on teens in Adelaide’s North. I was able to see first hand how kind and generous they are. They give of their time to build relationships with teenagers in the area, offering food, conversation and help when needed.

How I Become A Wheel Throwing Instructor

How I Become A Wheel Throwing Instructor

Holding clay is magical. It’s calming and exciting at the same time. It connects you with the earth. The feeling of holding clay, the weight of it in your hands, the coolness and malleability of its texture somehow connects my soul with my creative spirit. It makes me slow down, feel more present and grounded. Up until recently I haven’t shared my clay interest or skills as an art from. I kept it hidden, like a secret that was precious, just for me to indulge in.

Creativity During Coronavirus Pandemic

Creativity During Coronavirus Pandemic

As the news changes rapidly during the pandemic, I am also seeing creativity bloom. With all the restrictions of isolation and social distancing we are all being creative.

How to Paint a Mural on Corrugated Iron

How to Paint a Mural on Corrugated Iron

Are you about to start painting a mural on corrugated iron? If you're nervous about the surface, these 5 tips to help you get started! Leah shares how to prepare the corrugated wall, fence or shed. She explains what materials to use, what aerosol painting technique to use and tips for your concept design.

How To Use Painter's Tape with Aerosol

How To Use Painter's Tape with Aerosol

I’m going to let you in on my biggest painting secret… I use tape!!! This blog is all about being transparent and sharing tips and tricks that you can use. When you’re using tape, these are 8 tips to make your work look sharp.

Interview with Street Art Photographer: Lou Chamberlin

Interview with Street Art Photographer: Lou Chamberlin

Artist, photographer and author, Lou Chamberlin is one motivated and talented lady! I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing her about her creative journey, from hanging up her art teaching apron, to becoming a full time artist, street artist photographer and author!

Interview with Mimby Jones Robinson

Interview with Mimby Jones Robinson

Artist have this weird thing going where some are really open and just damn passionate about all things art and other’s… well… some just keep to themselves, see another ability as a threat and can really close of as soon as you say “Yeah, I’m an artist too”. So let me tell you five things you need to know about Mimbi…

"Happiness Is..."

"Happiness Is..."

I so LOVE street art! I’ve had an interest in it ever since we studied it as a controversial “issue” in Art at High School. It’s so exciting to see Adelaide coming alive with new murals all the time. There's something great about street art being in the public and temporal. Once it is on the wall it really is up to the individual how they interpret it…